Monday, May 4, 2009

lettuce seedlings in

Yesterday I tucked a row of lettuce seedlings I'd started indoors into the spinach bed. They look a little droopy but I'm hoping they'll perk up in this cool weather. I edged the bed with marigolds that I also started from seed and sprinkled some sweet alyssum seeds around them. And I direct sewed a row of mixed greens around the pea trellis.
Also today, the wisteria blooms are continuing to unfurl.
And the peas are struggling to recover after the 90 degree stretch last week scorched many of their growing ends. A few seem to have begun to grow faster, but the rest are sort of lagging. I wonder if they don't get the right kind of sun in this spot, or if they are just slow growers.

While nearly all of the first tulips fell apart in the rainstorm last night, a few late bloomers keep a little color going amid the green.

Friday, May 1, 2009

azalea in bloom

Cooler weather is finally upon us, and on this misty rainy day the azalea bushes are blooming together with some sweet woodruff and geum.