Friday, November 18, 2011

new raised beds

Redesigning the full-sun corner and building raised beds this week.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

english gardens

Are amazing. Period. I returned from our trip fully inspired. Mind overflowing with difficult ideas.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

may garden


3rd season and the baptisia australis is finally going to bloom


one blueberry bush coming back from the edge

thornless blackberries from my neighbor

Vika's strawberries have taken over the vegetable garden

old wisteria returns after the trauma

and becomes part of a pair

and the Nantucket rose gets a new trellis.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tulips for my mother

My only surviving 'Angelique' tulips, now on Mama's dresser. Happy mother's day, and feel better, ok?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

queen of the night

tulip bouquets. The "single lates," and almost all the rest,  are nearly gone this week, though these dark moody ones are hanging in there.

Monday, April 25, 2011

in the garden today

pansy 'black beauty' enjoying the rainy weather

purple rock cress starting to bloom

lily-flowering tulip 'jacqueline'

lavender 'hidcote' coming back to life

chocolate cosmos, started inside in March, enjoying the sun outdoors today

tulips 'apricot impression' and 'pink impression' out front

Saturday, April 23, 2011

time for home-grown bouquets

Early tulips on the windowsill this morning.

Monday, April 18, 2011

at last

After a dismally sick week at home, spring is really blooming today. Some spirit-lifting sights out the back window:
L's tree.
The transplanted lilac, coming to life.
Along the fence.
My mother's favorite shrub.

Corn gluten meal down a few weeks ago, compost pile turned.  Milky spore and many seeds waiting for the right time. Or really waiting for a free moment, which never seems to come.

Monday, March 28, 2011

key food

bouquet. Spring will never come.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

grocery store tulips

In a moment of weakness, I bought some tulips at the grocery store today. I know, I know. Just doing my part to prop up the pesticide trade.

We needed a little happy around here today though. It has been a long winter. And still, this month, snow and snow again.

hiatus? Yes.

What happened to this garden blog over the winter? A toddler happened. And the garden was dug up a bit this fall to make way for yet another house project. And we had record snows this season. And record colds and fevers.

But my seeds are sitting in the basement, waiting for me to start them. And I've got chocolate cosmo roots started on the windowsill.

And the early crocuses are popping up today.

Spring is around the corner.