The pink ones I divided and moved two falls ago, now in their second summer, are blooming. Also, last week I was invited to dig up some white and red heirloom varieties from a house renovation a block away. I stuck 10 tubers in wherever I could find room...so I may be swimming in peony blooms this time, two seasons from now. They really make lovely cut flowers, and are enormously fragrant.

Lobelia 'regatta marine blue' blooming in he front wall. My annual blue addition, next year I will try to start them from seeds. They need a two month head start.

Lady's mantle, which will finally bloom this year after 2 seasons of growth.

Digitalis 'candy mountain' a biennial in it's second year out back.

Snow-in-the-summer coming back this spring after wet weather last season weakened it's aggressive hold on the front border.


Coral bells blooming this week, allium and hydrangea in the background.

The common iris, my least favorite in the garden but lovely in this photograph.

Yellow iris of unknown variety.

English bluebells keep cropping up In surprising locations.
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